Two sorting criteria are introduced in this section: sorting by comment number of documents and sorting by last updated date of documents.
The last updated date property of the documents has been retrieved from the Lotus Quickr search service and saved into the SearchItem bean.
从LotusQuickr搜索服务获取更新日期属性并保存到SearchItembean 中。
The database would store the value, say 30 December 2005, as the date when the employee's birthday field was last updated.
这个数据库也将存储这个值,即 2005 年12 月30 日,作为职工的生日字段最后被更新的日期。
You can determine when this Privacy Policy was last revised by referring to the date it was "Last Updated" above.
Now both the comment number properties and the last updated date properties of the documents in the search results are prepared for sorting.
现在,搜索结果中的文档的commentnumber属性和last updated date属性已经准备好,可以进行排序了。
For listings that are "Cancelled" or "Withdrawn" we count the number of days between the listing start date and last updated date.
Gets the last date and time when the profile was read or updated.
Gets the last date and time when the profile was read or updated.