Date of arrival in China: the actual date of arrival in China for the taxpayer that has no residence in China.
In sixteen nineteen an English ship arrived with directions for the crew to observe their arrival date as a yearly day of Thanksgiving to God.
In any case the Buyer shall have no remedy for lack of conformity if he fails to notify the Seller thereof within 12 months from the date of arrival of the goods at the agreed destination.
For the purpose of this provision in case of total loss the estimated date of arrival at discharge port of the relevant vessel shall be considered vessel's arrival date.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, no action for lack of conformity can be taken by the Buyer, whether before judicial or arbitral tribunals, after 2 years from the date of arrival of the goods.
Located in southern France provence, from the date of birth, they carefully kept her secret, until British Peter MEL's arrival, unique provence long life style of the veil was gradually lifted.
Declaration of import goods shall be made to the customs by the consignee within 14 days as of the date when the arrival of the means of transport in the territory isd.
Declaration of import goods shall be made to the customs by the consignee within 14 days as of the date when the arrival of the means of transport in the territory isd.