The Lotus iNotes ultra-light mode provides a convenient Day At A Glance calendar view that initially displays the current day’s schedule for the user.
LotusiNotesultra-light模式提供了一个方便的Day At A Glance日历视图,在启动时会显示用户当天的日程安排。
When he returned home from a long day at the office, Jeremy Brosowsky would glance ruefully at his coffee table.
熬过漫长的一天,当Jeremy Brosowsky离开办公室准备返回家中的时候,他会悲戚地看一眼自己的咖啡桌。
There are also sidebars provided for Day-At-A-Glance and Help.
One minor difference for the Day At A Glance icon is that the number within the icon does not reflect the current date as it does on the mobile device.
与移动设备不同的是,桌面版本上的Day At A Glance图标内的数字并不反映当前日期。
When working in the day-at-a-glance calendar in Lite mode, you find that the same color scheme as the one used in the Lotus Notes 8 Client is used to display calendar entries (see figure 14).
当您在Lite模式中使用 Day-At-A-Glance 日历时,就会发现它用于显示日历条目的颜色方案与LotusNotes8客户端相同(见图14)。
In figure 3, the sidebar is expanded to show the day-at-a-glance calendar.
在图3中,扩展了侧边栏,以显示Day - At - a - Glance日历。
A glance at the calendar raises worries that a similar decision will be made on Monday, the last day of the Duanwu (Dragon Boat) Festival holiday.
He took the REINS in hand with a cold, speaking glance at her mother. 'One day,' he said very quietly, 'you will have much cause to regret your actions.
You can write their own annual income plan, "MoneyRoad" can be a detailed breakdown of your program to the first day, so your plan to complete at a glance.
Crucial for the exterior design: Not only during the day but also at night, all Audi models are recognizable at a glance thanks to LED daytime running lights.
Until six years after the day, a lady and her husband came to his shop, Donatellorecognized her at a glance.
Until six years after the day, a lady and her husband came to his shop, Donatellorecognized her at a glance.