We've arranged for the representatives to visit one of our day care center.
And the Centers for Disease Control reported this April that this strain of bacteria has now been found in a worker at a day care center in Iowa.
About a dozen officers recently visited a new day care center in City of God.
"But I felt like I was in a day care center and got tired of being besieged by dogs every day," she said.
A day-care center owner hijacked a busload of his students and teachers and drove them to Manila's city hall Wednesday to demand better housing and education for the children.
She says some of the children were more likely to get sick from the kinds of infections commonly passed around a day care center.
The day care center is established to take care of the children whose parents work during the day.
A day-care center is established to take care of the children whose parents work during the day.
He was glad to see his son well taken care of in the day-care center.
They put their girl in a day-care center until one of them could pick her up after work.
For guests looking to take care of business tasks during their trip, needs can be met at any hour of day at the 24-hour business center.
So it seems they may have wooed multiple mates, and were then left in charge of a veritable dinosaur day care center, filled with their various girlfriends' eggs.
So it seems they may have wooed multiple mates, and were then left in charge of a veritable dinosaur day care center, filled with their various girlfriends' eggs.