I then returned to the daycare center. He thought it would be funny if he hid in the trash.
Unlike us (who only have one child), many 'sea turtles' have two or three kids and some also need a bilingual daycare center.
Even in this high tech age, word of mouth can be very helpful when it comes to selecting a daycare center for your child.
To the north, on the rue du Charolais, the daycare center signifies its presence with its volume projected out onto the street.
The daycare center where we had planned on placing our new baby daughter had no spots available in the month I was supposed to return to work.
Finally, with the new passageway, we open the islet up completely, allowing for continuous pedestrian circulation from the daycare center to the new quarter.
The daycare center provides services for 60 children: infants and toddlers on the main ground level and, on a partial level on the first floor, preschoolers.
Turns out, children cared for by a grandmother have half the risk of injury than kids cared for by a daycare center, other relatives, or even the child's own mother.
If you are in an office setting, allow your employees to visit a school or daycare center or nursing home at lunch that day to give them the opportunity to read to a neighbor!
Unfortunately, I don't have all the daycare-center regulations handy.
Unfortunately, I don't have all the daycare-center regulations handy.