Around the world, people changed sleep patterns thanks to the start or end of daylight savings time.
The verdict on energy savings isn't unanimous. Other studies do suggest that energy gains can be had under daylight saving time—at least in some places.
If you have systems in, or interact with customers from that part of the world, be sure to check the support site for information on the extension of Daylight Savings Time in New Zealand.
Even worse, many callers don't know their offset from GMT, so you're faced with supporting time zones, time zone abbreviations, daylight savings time... the list can get long and unwieldy.
Because of daylight savings time , Lauschmann has a part of the United States jumping an hour early.
The two most people encounter are leap year and daylight savings time.
And be aware that there have been further changes related to Daylight Savings Time since this Spring in New Zealand.
You must address daylight savings time by business rules.
By 4:15 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time, the strongest thunderstorms were directly over Washington, d.c..
Phoenix has no daylight savings time.
The best time to look for these fast-streaking Orionid meteors is between midnight (1 a. m. daylight savings time) and dawn for the next few mornings.
It is always darkest before... daylight savings time.
The researchers chalked this up not just to darker roadways, but also to drivers having a difficult time adjusting to the end of daylight savings.
Daylight savings time information was not loaded in an extended stored procedure.
With Folder compare, you can specify whether to compare file sizes or time stamps, ignore time-zone or Daylight-Savings offsets, and run file attributes among numerous other filters.
By using the remote setup feature, the operator may set up for automatic daylight savings time corrections.
This weekend is Daylight Savings Time.
Because our indoor environs impacts on our mood, altering colors, light, and scents can banish the blues until the sun shines again... or at least until Daylight Savings Time kicks in.
A 2003 study by researchers at Stanford and Johns Hopkins universities analyzed a 21-year period and found a significant spike in traffic accidents on the Sunday that ended daylight savings time.
In the United states, during the summer, some areas use Daylight Savings Time. In these states, people set their clocks forward one hour so that they can enjoy a longer evening before it gets dark.
In the United states, during the summer, some areas use Daylight Savings Time. In these states, people set their clocks forward one hour so that they can enjoy a longer evening before it gets dark.