For the problem of signal current bypass with track circuit of rolling stock depot in DC electric traction sections, the paper provides measures to prevent it.
By comparing the heating effect of an unknown AC signal to that from a known DC reference, metrologists can determine the RMS AC quantity (voltage or current) in terms of the DC quantity.
If the AC voltage at the input is large, part of this signal is rectified, producing an error in the DC signal being measured.
Some manufacturers, while using the 5-Pin XLR, decided to use fourth and fifth pins for DC power, not signal data as specified in the standard.
It also conducts the signal (it doesn't conduct DC), and is often used at other points in a circuit where the signal needs to travel between two different DC voltages.
For DC current measurement, a current shunt is place in series in the current path and convert the current to a DC voltage signal.
Discusses the problems existing in the door motor of elevator, puts forward the system project which takes DSP digital signal processing technology as core, DC brushless motor as driver.
The decaying DC component in the sampling signal will bring errors to the full-wave Fourier algorithm, which is derived with periodic signal.
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) is the main algorithm for harmonic analysis in electric power system, but when there is the decaying DC component in input signal, FFT algorithm will have higher error.
MSP430F449 has abundant internal resource, but itself 12 b A/DC negative pole reference voltage can′t be lower than 0V. It has brought the difficulty in measuring alternating current signal.
In general, tachometer generators are eliminated in the small and medium power DC rotating speed governing systems, and armature voltage is used as motor speed signal.
Subsequently, a novel controller for DC bus voltage regulation is put forward according to the small signal model based on the instantaneous power balance in AC and DC sides of three-phase SAPF.
The signal flowgraph method is extended to ihe analysis of switching Dc-To-Dc-converters and the PWM signal switches emerging in the flowgraph are linearized.
The real-time signal acquisition with AC-sampling technology overcomes the short comings of bad stability and big error in DC-sampling.
For example, in a system for measuring small DC voltages, the contact potential of the switch will be added to the signal.
CPLD is employed to deal with the brushless DC motor's rotor position signal in order to realize.
We can "ignore" this overall downward trend in the same way engineers remove a DC bias from a signal.
Normal mode noise is detected as a peak noise or deviation in a DC signal.
如图1 - 5所示,串模噪声是叠加到希望的输入信号上的误差信号。
In this paper the small signal model following the DC-link of the traction converter system is established and the mechanism of DC-link voltage and current oscillation is analyzed in detail.
In this paper the small signal model following the DC-link of the traction converter system is established and the mechanism of DC-link voltage and current oscillation is analyzed in detail.