But if it hit the trunk dead centre, it would make a distinctive "clonk".
Subsequently the charging shaft must be latched to top dead centre with the charged closing spring (Fig. 15).
It may seem obvious, but the most essential skill a good snooker player can have is to be able to hit the cue ball dead centre.
One soldier's visor stopped a piece of shrapnel that hit dead centre, " he said. "If he had not had that suit on, the effects could have been catastrophic.
Note that the compression ratios shown above reflect the expansion ratio, which is the ratio of the combustion chamber volumes when the piston is at Bottom dead centre and Top dead centre.
Mars was visible, dead in the centre of the telescope.
The Oberhausen centre said he had seemed fine when last checked on Monday night but was found dead on Tuesday morning.
Thousands of innocents lie dead in the wreckage of the World Trade Centre; hundreds more seem likely to have perished at the Pentagon and in a crashed airliner in Pennsylvania.
The yellowish centre contains bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells.
The left photo above shows the rewound work coil 7 1/2 turns with much less dead space in the centre .
左边的照片上面显示的工作,回线圈7 1 / 2轮流那么死腔,在该中心。
19 for racing wheel -- no airbags, if too lazy to tie the seat belt, 40KM will hit a bump dead in the centre of MOMO screw.
The moon was shining bright upon the clearing, and there in the centre lay the unhappy maid where she had fallen, dead of fear and of fatigue.
The first sensor monitors the camshaft position delivering one pulse per revolution which corresponds to the top-dead-centre (TDC) position of one of the pistons.
The first sensor monitors the camshaft position delivering one pulse per revolution which corresponds to the top-dead-centre (TDC) position of one of the pistons.