Dean Martin: not caring so much, just a cool guy.
Arizona also has a politician called Dean Martin, but that is coincidence.
亚利桑那州也有一个议员名叫迪恩·马丁[Dean Martin],但是这只是个巧合。
S the Rat Pack was another HBO offering which starred Ray Liotta, Joe Mantegna and Don Cheadle as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. Cheadle won a Golden Globe for his performance.
1998年HBO推出另一部电视电影“RatPack ”(鼠帮)片中雷利·奥塔(图左)扮演弗兰克辛纳特那(图右)乔伊·蒙特·格纳扮演迪恩马丁唐钱德尔扮演小萨米·戴维斯。钱德尔后来因在片中的表演获得了金球奖。
He looked like Dean Martin — acted a little like him, too.
Roger Martin is dean of the Rotman School of management, University of Toronto. He has been named one of the top fifty management thinkers and ten most influential business professors in the world.
罗杰·马丁是多伦多大学罗特曼管理学院院长(Rotman SchoolofManagement, University of Toronto),他曾经入选最优秀的50位商业管理思想家和全球最具影响力的10位商业教授。
Past recipients include Dean Martin, Bob Hope, Lucille Ball, Barbra Streisand.
过去的获奖者分别有迪恩·马丁,鲍勃·霍普,露西尔·鲍尔和芭芭拉·史翠珊。 。
Past recipients include Dean Martin, Bob Hope, Lucille Ball, Barbra Streisand.
过去的获奖者分别有迪恩·马丁,鲍勃·霍普,露西尔·鲍尔和芭芭拉·史翠珊。 。