Japan has hanged three death row inmates in its first executions since July 2010.
The Green Mile. Stephen King. The eerie struggle of death row inmates as they fact the electric chair.
Texas has taken the decision to end the tradition of allowing Death Row inmates to choose their last meal.
There are currently 99 inmates on death row, five of whom are women.
There are death-row inmates, such as a serial killer named Kang Ho-sun, but the state has not actually undertaken to kill any of its prisoners since 1997.
尽管牢房中还关有如姜虎淳(Kang Ho-sun)这样犯有连环杀人罪的死刑犯,但韩国自1997年以来就再也没有执行过任何一例死刑判决。
At the same time the number of death sentences actually imposed has fallen by nearly two-thirds, while the number of inmates on death row has also begun to decline.
I think it is inhumane to fry inmates on death row.
Mr Dow is unable to save Quaker, largely because the case was badly mishandled by his initial lawyer, a common predicament for death-row inmates.
To return to the ground, scientists have developed a vaccine, and the first in a test animal and the death-row inmates who, after the vaccination, their return to the ground to test the results.
To return to the ground, scientists have developed a vaccine, and the first in a test animal and the death-row inmates who, after the vaccination, their return to the ground to test the results.