A simulated low-speed crash between comparably sized planetoids yields a Pluto and a Charon, plus an icy debris disk that could coalesce into a Nix and a Hydra.
The bizarre configuration could have been caused by the chance capture of material from a passing galaxy by the disk galaxy, with the captured debris strung out in a rotating ring.
On the bottom of the well, a shear disk on the bottom of the cylinder is broken by jarring, and fluids and debris flow into the bailer.
One group concluded that the object could be the debris from a smashup of two small objects, or it could be a planet surrounded by a disk of dust.
The objects are considered fossil remnants of the swirling disk of debris that coalesced to form the solar system roughly 5 billion years ago.
A conductive stripe may be added for discharging debris in the slider-to-disk interface.
A conductive stripe may be added for discharging debris in the slider-to-disk interface.