The results show that using working capital requirement to analyze enterprises'asset liquidity and debt capacity is more correct than that using traditional one.
The bursting of the housing bubble and the overhang of household debt have left consumer spending depressed and many businesses with more capacity than they need and no reason to add more.
At the same time, they have to pay much higher interest rates, driving up their debt while their capacity to service that debt stagnates.
Remember, over the generations, we have been very careful to keep the total level of debt well below the borrowing capacity of our economy so far as federal issuance is concerned.
Too much debt and excess capacity weighed down firms, particularly in the electronics industry, which was at the heart of the American recession.
Lack of reliable information systems and weak technical, institutional and governance capacity also contributed to exacerbate the already difficult debt management policies.
Yet, at the same time we cannot add infinitely to the national debt without facing the consequences in global credit marks or on our future capacity to borrow.
Firms had too much debt and excess capacity, particularly in the electronics sector, which was at the heart of the American recession. Today firms are in much better shape.
Proceeds from the EuroSibEnergo share sale will help repay debt, buy assets and add capacity, a person familiar with the plans said in August.
Sovereign debt crises elsewhere in the eurozone imposed pressures Italy lacked the capacity to withstand.
Many Banks have huge write-downs to make on their loans, economies are burdened with excess capacity and households' debt levels remain high.
Russia's ill-run and debt-ridden gas industry has little extra capacity.
Compared with debt, holding shares can provide Banks with time to exchange for space and the best tool of promoting the part over capacity industry consolidation.
Then we construct a capacity cost network from the debt credit degree network. Finally, by applying minimum cost circulation flow problem, we give a polynomial algorithm for this model.
Lost the capacity of debt redemption;
The United States remains by far the most prosperous country on earth, and its debt-carrying capacity will grow in the future just as it has in the past.
They may also display reduced repayment capacity as measured by credit scores, debt-to-income ratios, or other criteria that may encompass borrowers with incomplete credit histories.
However, as the overhang of excess capacity and debt has disappeared, capital spending is now starting to perk up across Asia.
It analyzes the influence of cross shareholding to the working performance in the listed companies, such as the debt paying ability, capacity to earn profits and so on.
Second, as far as financial crisis is concerned, the short-term debt rate and net asset profit rate have better forecast ability than circulating capacity of cash.
It has the capacity to service its debt and will strive to avoid a default in the near term.
Based on this conclusion, the authors set up an AR-GARCH model of issuing scale of national debt. This model has high accuracy and strong capacity of prediction.
据此基本结论建立的国债发行规模的AR - GARCH模型精度高,有很强的预测功能。
Based on this conclusion, the authors set up an AR-GARCH model of issuing scale of national debt. This model has high accuracy and strong capacity of prediction.
据此基本结论建立的国债发行规模的AR - GARCH模型精度高,有很强的预测功能。