In a company's annual report, this figure shows the amount of debt due to be repaid within twelve months.
They are seeing downgrades on their debt due even as they are agreeing to further outlays to rescue another country's balance sheet.
If Athens were to sell that gold, the Greek state would theoretically be able to meet at least part of the debt payments due soon without any outside help.
Its economy is sickly. Its debt, due to surpass 160% of GDP in the months to come, is unsustainable.
Due to ignorance or a commitment to "not fix what ain't broken," many programmers and teams spend little time paying down design debt.
With the money they would have gotten from selling gold, they would have been able to pay back a large part of an older debt they've been carrying which is due this year.
This suggests the price of German and American debt is due to fall someday.
This was due to the ongoing Yugoslav wars, which had prevented agreement being reached on the disposition of federal assets and liabilities, particularly the national debt.
Unlike equity prices, bond yields mean revert over time, meaning they rise and fall around their historical average. This suggests the price of German and American debt is due to fall someday.
Generations of women are in crisis due to relationship breakdown, bereavement or debt, according to a report warning that one in three has taken anti-depressants.
The company has a further $15 billion of cash and available bank lines, but is also due to repay around $17 billion of maturing debt in 2010 and 2011, according to its annual report for 2009.
He rejected fears, however, that an increase in Germany's debt would further harm confidence in the euro-zone, already damaged due to massive fiscal problems in Greece. "the."
Much of the debt at companies that buy-out firms purchased at the market's peak will fall due between 2012 and 2014.
Spain, the market's latest punching bag after Greece, successfully raised cash from the bond markets both this week and last, easing concerns about a big debt repayment due at the end of this month.
In the end, investors must perform their own due diligence in determining the safety levels of debt and related securities.
The exchange rate has been volatile due to the fluctuations in oil prices and growing uncertainty as a result of higher risk aversion associated with the debt crisis in Europe.
The short-term crisis is due to the rapid growth of federal debt outstanding that will soon hit the ceiling set by Congress.
To give Zell his due, the Tribune Company had plenty of problems when he took over, and shareholders like me owe him a debt of thanks.
What is more, about $1.4 trillion of bank debt falls due in Europe this year and next, just as bondholders have received their first big blow of the crisis thanks to Lehman’s demise.
The shift was due to a distortion in the bond market because Asian central Banks preferred to buy short-dated debt.
It has urged the European Union and the IMF to release the bail-out package so it can make debt repayments due next month.
China's only credit rating agency, Dagong Global, downgraded US sovereign debt on Wednesday to a from a + with a negative outlook due to the higher debt ceiling.
美国调高债务上限后,中国唯一一家评级机构——大公国际周三宣布,将美国主权信用评级从A +下调至a,评级展望为负面。
There is still a huge amount of debt attached to commercial property, and most of it is coming due in the next few years.
But our position underperformed due to the continued large-scale supply of Gazprom debt instruments.
65 trillion: Euro zone bank debt coming due in 2010 and 2011.
Turkey may also be heading for trouble. Its debt-service payments due in 2009 amount to 80% of its foreign reserves, the highest ratio of any big emerging economy.
The Federal Reserve reported that 6.5 percent of credit card debt was at least 30 days past due in the first quarter, the highest percentage since it began tracking the number in 1991.
The Federal Reserve reported that 6.5 percent of credit card debt was at least 30 days past due in the first quarter, the highest percentage since it began tracking the number in 1991.