China Merchants Securities believes that the massive scale of debt to equity is feasible and necessary.
At present, in the course of dealing with assets, China's assets Management corporation has applied debt to equity swap as a major pattern.
We find that some information items are highly concerned by the bank lenders, such as long-term debt, short-term debt, core operating income, debt to equity ratio, current ratio and…
我们发现,银行对长短期借款、主营业务收入、资产负债率、流动比率和速动比率等财务信息高度重视, 对有助于进一步判别企业潜在风险的报表附注信息也比较重视。
Drawing from the experience of the four "bad Banks", compared with the transfer of non-performing assets, the debt to equity can make the recovery rate of Banks' bad debt rise by nearly 10%.
Over and above their core capital (basically shareholders' equity), the commission wants banks to carry debt that can be converted into equity during a crisis to boost their safety buffers.
We’ll also see much higher default rates on car loans, credit card debt, and other forms of consumer debt, because homeowners can no longer draw on their home equity to pay other debt.
But a thick buffer of equity and convertible debt is the best way to make crisis-filled weekends less terrifying.
Corporate leverage, measured as debt to book equity, was stable or falling in most countries before the crisis.
But even assuming 30% to 35% equity, about $100 billion in high-yield debt and leveraged loans is needed to support $50 billion of equity.
Abramov, a major supplier and therefore a creditor, chose to swap their debt for equity, buying additional debt from other creditors.
Theory on capital structure is the theory on how to define ratios of debt capital and equity capital of enterprise capital structure under the target of realizing maximization of enterprise value.
Some academics argued bank creditors should be forced to swap their debt for equity, for example.
It was easier to issue debt than equity.
Banks may still be reluctant to make loans, but debt and equity markets have regained a hearty appetite for risk.
Then the question is what is likely to make it feel like a partnership, and that is down to deal structure - whether equity or debt is correct.
The first half of 2009 was fertile territory for investment bankers as markets rebounded and companies (not least Banks themselves) rushed to raise debt and equity.
If you want to buy the company you have to buy up all the debt and all the equity.
An even bigger problem is the favourable tax treatment of debt relative to equity.
And because they are regulated assets with long-term pre-defined revenue streams, they are particularly suited to debt finance, and therefore tend to have high debt-to-equity ratios (typically 80-20).
The returned money can be recycled into smaller Banks which still need equity (see article) or used to cut public debt.
That is a departure from recent years, when many of the companies spent heavily and relied on debt and equity markets to provide additional cash.
The level of spreads is particularly significant because private-equity groups have been arbitraging between the debt and equity markets, using cheap debt to buy companies.
Another priority is to convert around 70% of GM's outstanding debt into equity.
Giving money to private-equity managers, who then use debt to acquire quoted companies, is viewed in an entirely different light but amounts to the same gamble.
In fact, a lower debt-to-equity ratio could actually lead a bank to take on more risks in order to make up for the loss of leverage.
In fact, a lower debt-to-equity ratio could actually lead a bank to take on more risks in order to make up for the loss of leverage.