If your career is at the top of your priority list, then you might decide against having kids.
It is always possible that the judge may decide against you.
If no: Why did you decide against it?
Luckily, they usually decide against making people their next meal.
You have put up a good case, but I still have to decide against you.
You have put up a good case, but I still have to decide against you.
I have to decide against your suggestion that the meeting be put off.
Some men, told the pros and cons, decide against having any screening.
Even if you decide against that, however, consider dropping premium channels.
If your career is at the top of your priority list then you might decide against having kids.
He will have to make a decision soon, however, and if he does decide against a rise, a weaker rand and higher inflation are likely.
Should Inter decide against offering him a new deal they may decide to bring in cash for him now rather than lose him for free next summer.
If you decide against an operation, you can use GParted's undo feature or exit from the program without applying your changes. Your disk is then unchanged.
Second, you'll set up automatic posting for hiring announcements (you briefly consider posting firing announcements too, but decide against it because that's tacky).
What I'm wondering is whether or not all of the tension with the torch will cause China to decide against cooperating with any Western countries on environmental issues.
One of the key aspects of the system architect's role is to weigh up conflicting requirements and decide on a solution, often by trading off one aspect against another.
In other cases, transplant recipients decide to reduce or stop immunosuppressive therapy against their physicians advice, even though by doing so, they risk losing their transplanted organ.
In IBM Cognos 10 Framework Manager, when a package is published to IBM Cognos 10, modelers can decide which query mode will be used when running reports against that package.
在IBMCognos10FrameworkManager中,当将一个程序包发布到IBM Cognos 10时,建模器可以决定在针对该包运行报表时会使用的查询模式。
The general process to achieve this goal is to build (or adapt) a model, apply a spoken command against that model in a recognition process, and then decide on an action in a dialog manager.
But who is to decide which restrictions are reasonable and which offend against what the Supreme Court has now declared to be a fundamental right?
To use DITA against the example given previously, you might decide to rewrite the paragraphs that follow the procedural steps.
He will play against Denmark. "Yes." With Barry? "I will decide."
If the scales are tipped, an otherwise honest person might decide to do something against the other person (or company or country) to "even the score."
For many women who decide to start a family at an older age, waiting six months to attempt another pregnancy may work against them, since age is itself a primary contributor to miscarriage.
The Pew team gives the information it gathers to port officials to help them decide if they should take action against a ship.
The Pew team gives the information it gathers to port officials to help them decide if they should take action against a ship.