A decision analysis model was used to compare outcomes and costs among these strategies.
As an example, a risk decision analysis model for artillery weapon development plans is given.
From the above analysis, we can see that history formula is not all decision model, thus history determinism is not correct cannot explain history can't predict.
The general mathematical model and sequential decision procedure of the decision analysis is presented.
Starting from a detailed analysis of the technology and the model of continuous cooking process, a multiple-target decision on cooking process is advanced.
Decision analysis mostly researches on uncertainty, it's conventional decision model is subject expected utility theory (SEU).
Bayesian Networks is a model that efficiently represents knowledge and probabilistic inference and is a popular graphics decision-making analysis tool.
The best decision model relying on the benchmark is expressed by using DEA (Data Envelope Analysis).
Based on systematic analysis of integrated disease management system of rubber powdery mildew, a control decision model was established by using computer simulation.
Proceeding from the analysis of ironmaking process, the decision support system of logistics management and production optimize has been made based on several function model.
This paper proposes a framework for decision tree construction algorithms that supports both model exchange and mobile communication churn analysis.
Then a C2R Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) decision model with multi-input and output was built to assess whether technique and scale were simultaneously efficient.
Credibility estimation of weapon system simulation model is the key procedure of system analysis, forecast and aided decision reasonably and scientifically by using weapon system simulation model.
Based on the above qualitative analysis, it constructs an inventory optimizing model for manufacturer and storing company respectively, fingers out an optional result of the cost decision variable.
But the existing risk analysis model based on term rewriting ignores the induction procedure from risk to decision, and makes it easy to propagate the potential vulnerability.
A grain logistics center location model based on extension theory is put forward, which applies extension decision method, cluster analysis and gravity method together.
The paper developed the decision model for the optimum years of maintaining forest road network based on the analysis of all costs relative to the years.
The paper proposes concept of group analysis and associated functional model based on hierarchies of military decision process, and a STA method based on the group analysis is proposed further.
Author expatiates framework design method of model library system in agricultural information decision support systems and the process of form model in cost benefit analysis.
The model base and method base provide quantitative analysis(model computation) and assistant decision information.
A corresponding mathematical model by applying an improved permutation method of multi-attribute decision analysis is established, and the practical calculation shows the method is feasible.
The support vector machine prediction model has been applied in "comprehensive analysis and decision support system" for road resource integration project of Shaanxi province.
Fifth ODI part of China in an area selection and decision factors empirical model analysis.
This paper puts forward a train of thought of the lowest cost quantitative analysis and constructs a market segmentation decision model which is used for reference in practice.
Finally, the paper proposes a completed model and comprehensive case for how to select the right it Governance decision schemas with detailed analysis.
During the discussion, a requirement analysis model based on environmental analysis, and a method to make informationalization decision are established.
We give a quantitive analysis and comparison to these three models and provide a decision-making reference for the model selection.
The analysis result indicates that this model can reduce inventory effectively, and provides support for enterprise science decision.
The analysis and calculation show that: the decision model of oxygen -making machine production program solves the problem of selecting oxygen -making machine in large oxygen -making system.
The analysis and calculation show that: the decision model of oxygen -making machine production program solves the problem of selecting oxygen -making machine in large oxygen -making system.