Bayesian Networks is a model that efficiently represents knowledge and probabilistic inference and is a popular graphics decision-making analysis tool.
Under comparative analysis of traditional power dispatching model and electric power market transaction model, an electricity market transaction decision-making mathematic model is constructed.
According to the principles of statistics and risk decision analysis approach, this paper presents a new variance analysis method and a matrix model for capital structure decision-making.
Based on the theory analysis of multinational manufacturing outsourcing, the decision-making model of different type suppliers in multinational manufacturing outsourcing is established.
Combining the mechanism analysis with Fuzzy Clustering technique, an optimization and decision-making model about operating parameters in the ISF smelting process is built.
Through to goes on a journey personally the choice decision-making analysis, established went on a journey the production non-linearity forecast model.
Third, build a measurement model of tourism decision-making, path analysis model and decision assessment model.
Meanwhile, build relevant mathematical model based on Analytical Hierarchy Process found on weight analysis and decision-making.
We give a quantitive analysis and comparison to these three models and provide a decision-making reference for the model selection.
Define the model of decision-making about defense based on cost analysis and providing an expression of defense knowledge based on predication logic.
Finally, the decision-making model has been as a tool to assess the empirical analysis of the current "travel coupons" problem and proposed a series of policy recommendations.
The analysis and calculation show that: the decision model of oxygen -making machine production program solves the problem of selecting oxygen -making machine in large oxygen -making system.
Geometry reconstruction from slice-images is a main topic of visualization of 3d volume data. Reconstruction of model is the premise of analysis, emulation and decision-making.
And then comparative analysis between decision-making results of multi-objective optimization model and the one of single-objective optimization model was done.
In order to study the status of global stability of a slope, the decision-making model of multi-attribute and interval number is constructed to carry out global stability analysis of slope.
In order to better brand choice strategy extension of the effect of the application papers fuzzy decision-making analysis, the establishment of performance evaluation model of brand extension.
This paper set up the decision-making model of loan' s portfolio optimization based on the analysis of risk base on the domestic and overseas research.
The evaluation model for area air defence disposition is powerful to support decision-making and analysis of the area air defence disposition.
Based on game theory, a model for air combat maneuvering decision-making was established. Then the optimal maneuvering strategy was obtained through fuzzy decision analysis.
Based on game theory, a model for air combat maneuvering decision-making was established. Then the optimal maneuvering strategy was obtained through fuzzy decision analysis.