For risk processes, the organization is proactive in achieving the goal of risk management and decision analysis and resolution processes areas.
Estimation is a major factor in enterprise risk analysis and risk management because every enterprise decision makes assumptions about the flow of events, which is largely based on estimates.
At this early stage of risk-analysis, who can say what the right decision is, yet all three of my friends feel under pressure to have the vaccination, as though there was no real choice in the matter.
Break - even analysis can provide a scientific judgment according to the risk condition of project and endurance capability of uncertain factors, and gives the evidence for the investment decision.
In some circumstances, the risk evaluation can lead to a decision to undertake further analysis.
Base on agency theory and utility principle of risk management decision, we analysis manager's risk preference and risk management decision in different remuneration systems.
The Risk Analysis of the bid project is a important tache in the prophase of bid decision.
Therefore, enterprises should strengthen the financial outsourcing decision, strengthen the financial outsourcing risk analysis.
Decision support. Prioritization of risk based on a cost-benefit analysis.
Risk discount rate method is often used in risk decision analysis.
As an example, a risk decision analysis model for artillery weapon development plans is given.
Risk analysis of dangerous chemical transportation is the basis of safety transportation decision and the key of accident warning and emergency rescue.
Since many factors in the risk analysis of it system integration are very obscurity, it is difficult to accumulate project risk by efficient data and realize Quantification analysis of risk decision.
Using the analytical method of risk factors in the risk decision analysis, only one risk value of the selected plan can be got.
Risk management provides a structured approach to decision analysis. It is about minimizing the probability of loss and maximizing the chance of success of your decisions.
The universal uncertainty is the root of risk. Decision analysis under risk has been an active research field of decision theory.
Gas pipeline risk grounded on GIS database instruct daily management of pipeline network by objective analysis and decision, reducing pipeline accident and work load of routine maintenance.
The basic methods of decision analysis include assured decision analysis method, unsure decision analysis method and risk decision analysis method.
Secondly, it is discussed respectively the main process of structural engineering project risk management-risk identification, risk analysis and assessment, risk control and decision.
Uncertain decision approaches consist certainty equivalent approach, risk adjusted discount rate approach, sensitivity analysis and decision tree analysis.
Investors relied far too much on the risk analysis coming from elsewhere in the investment decision process - mainly bond credit ratings.
The thesis studies the method of sales and marketing strategy analysis in beer industry, aiming at improving the marketing strategic decision accuracy and reducing the risk to a reasonable degree.
But the existing risk analysis model based on term rewriting ignores the induction procedure from risk to decision, and makes it easy to propagate the potential vulnerability.
The development risk analysis based on risk measurement function enables effective risk decision to be made on the basis of quantified risk.
Based on a probabilistic risk assessment and an expression for loss of life predictions in case of dam failure, a method of tolerable risk analysis for dam safety decision-making is suggested.
The risk policy decision and risk analysis in developing warship equipment are tentatively researched to promote using risk management methods in the realm of warship equipment.
According to the principles of statistics and risk decision analysis approach, this paper presents a new variance analysis method and a matrix model for capital structure decision-making.
The fact shows that it is necessary and beneficial to take the risk analysis and management into decision-making process about water conservancy project.
The fact shows that it is necessary and beneficial to take the risk analysis and management into decision-making process about water conservancy project.