Since it is based on the market pricing, its decision value is apparently better than that of historic cost.
It is important to have a repeatable process to qualify the value and the risk of moving to the cloud; otherwise the wrong decision can be easily made.
This value includes the time spent resizing the memory heaps and the time spent collecting statistics to make the tuning decision.
The objective of this step is to select and prioritize projects to deliver the highest value, based on the pre-established portfolio business decision and priority criteria.
Against this background the decision to scrap the whole lot seems perverse, although its demonstrated value might lead to a rethink.
The second was classification (also known as classification tree or decision tree), which can be used to create an actual branching tree to predict the output value of an unknown data point.
It's a business decision, based on business value, informed by goals for agility and business capability.
Similar to a rule template in a rule set, a value template in the decision table has a presentation and parameters.
But on balance, when you make a decision - even if it is a hypothetical choice - you will value it more and expect it to bring you pleasure.
The logic behind this design decision is that indexes add value only when the DBA can predict which queries will be run against the database.
Rio said yesterday it had not yet decided which funding option to pursue: “All the various options are still being considered and the board's decision will be based on shareholder value.
This decision is returned to the mediation flow as a Boolean value.
In this case I applied a mix of the Principle of core content and the Principle of readability to the decision to put the value in content and the units in an attribute.
Go with your gut at the end of the day if you have to make a decision, but get advice from a wide range of people and value their input.
However, it often turns out that some combinations of decision points within the main process are providing a value of their own.
When the decision is made, the value needs to be exposed to the static reporting application. There are many ways of doing this, some more effective than others.
Knowing the background of key decision makers is the ticket to maintaining their interest as you explain the value you offer.
Real options - options in the real world - have value, too, and a date at which the decision is no longer optional.
The optimal value of the relaxed objective function (the one that didn't consider the decision variables as integers) is also printed here.
Simon (1947) maintains that every decision involves elements of two kinds, which are called 'factual' and 'value' elements respectively.
A value template in decision table is not reusable, but by using a value template, you can alter the parameters using the Business Rule Manager.
决策表中的值模板不可重用,但是通过使用值模板,您可以使用BusinessRule Manager来改变参数。
Several models have been proposed to explain the neural basis of assigning relative value to multiple rewards at different points in time (also known as "intertemporal decision making") in humans.
Xfire made a wise decision in hiring an AD sales person early in its lifecycle to help educate advertisers about the Xfire service and value of the AD spot.
But Peter Wood, an anthropologist, the author of "diversity: the Invention of a Concept" and a critic of the Grutter decision, argues that the educational value of racial diversity is problematic.
The information managed throughout your supply chain is made available for decision support as the IT governance and value chain components of the value stream require.
Apart from establishing the decision rights and managing the SOA life cycle, this scenario also focuses on defining high-value business services and measuring their effectiveness at run time.
By default this value is set to 5 which means the governor will change the frequency by 5 percent of the maximum or minimum frequency each time it makes a decision to change frequencies.
However, information regarding the basis for their decision on which tests to run, the kernel code covered, and stress levels attained are unpublished, which greatly reduces the value of the results.
Business analytics derive their value through the ability to extract specific and changing data from a wide variety of heterogeneous sources for smarter decision-making.
In their best-selling book the Balanced Scorecard, 10 Robert Kaplan and David Norton highlighted several ways in which business decision - makers can increase the long-term value of the business.