First declarative programming asks the user what they want to do.
Declarative programming is a way of specifying the requirements of a system.
A Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming starts in June.
One critical difference between imperative and declarative programming methodologies is the notion of completeness.
Common examples of declarative programming include spreadsheets, SQL, XSLT, and programming languages such as Haskell.
A declarative programming style is almost always a more direct way of stating constraints than is an imperative or procedural one.
The components use declarative programming to embed business logic and call workflow engines, schedulers, and business rules engines.
Most rules engines let you use declarative programming to express the consequences that are valid given some information or knowledge.
Declarative programming is more like a description of what you want to happen, without worrying about the details of how to make it happen.
Imperative programming is painting, logic programming is sculpture, declarative programming is word art, functional programming process art.
Dojo enables you to easily declare the UI widgets you plan to use directly inside your HTML pages and is often referred to as declarative programming.
Declarative programming (i.e., prescribing the what) represents the paradigm of choice for rules: something gets triggered (i.e., an action) based on whether a rule evaluates to true or false.
The first one being this move that we see toward more declarative styles of programming.
Table 1 shows several common programming languages categorized as either imperative or declarative.
Since the macro expands to regular code anyway, you can always switch back to imperative programming if the declarative language doesn't suit your needs.
Declarative techniques: the J2EE programming model is an example of using declarative techniques to provide separation of concerns between the application logic and the configuration of middleware.
There are numerous other examples of how declarative forms of programming using the Dojo Toolkit can be used within a J2EE application.
还有其他许多的示例都说明了使用DojoToolkit 的声明式编程表单如何能用在J2EE应用程序内。
Other programming languages that provide a mix of declarative and procedural constructs include Lisp and Python.
Two such excellent, open source frameworks are Pig and Hive, both of which are also Apache projects. Both use a more declarative syntax with much less programming.
The event-driven programming paradigm supported by the WebLogic event Server provides for a Spring-based declarative assembly and configuration.
Extensive programming skills are not required; Workplace Forms USES a form-centric programming language based on declarative business rules (XFDL).
True to its functional programming heritage, you can do most everything you want to do in R using plain declarative statements.
按其函数式程序设计传统,使用普通声明语句,您就可以在R 中完成几乎所有的事情。
You can implement your services using a variety of programming paradigms, from process-flow style BPEL processes, to state machine-style event management, to declarative business rules style.
Today, however, the rise of declarative systems is changing the programming landscape.
On the other hand, there are also many programming languages that are declarative in style, including both functional and logic languages, and also including both general purpose and specialized ones.
Declarative % programming is a powerful tool.
LINQ technology is a form of declarative, functional programming.
WPF USES the Extensible application Markup Language (XAML) to provide a declarative model for application programming.
WPF USES the Extensible application Markup Language (XAML) to provide a declarative model for application programming.