Declarative Services can be configured with properties.
Declarative Services is available or might be specific packages e.g. org.osgi.framework.
这个要求可能是抽象的(比如Declarative Services可用),也可能是特定的包(像or g . osgi . framework)。
One solution to this problem is OSGi's declarative services, hereafter referred to as DS.
解决这一问题的一个方案是OSGi的声明式服务(以下称为DS——declarative services)。
Declarative services which are now supported by BND has had some of the limitations removed.
PDE has added declarative services tooling to help author service component definitions.
PDE增加了declarative services工具,以帮助作者提供组件定义。
The Eclipse rich client platform now includes an implementation of OSGi declarative services (DS)
Eclipse富客户端平台现在包含了一个OSGi声明式服务(Declarative Services——DS)的实现
The declarative services tooling now supports the latest OSGi declarative services specification (1.1) update.
declarative services现在支持最新版的OSGi declarative services规范(1.1)更新。
Being able to decouple components whilst using Declarative Services to join the components proved a simple way to set up the connections.
Declarative services are wired together as defined in an individual XML configuration file, which declares what services are required (consumed) and provided.
Using a combination of declarative services and dependency injection, this will acquire workbench services using OSGi services rather than accessing known singletons
With the Spring AOP, any object managed by the Spring Framework can become aspect oriented, and this tutorial relies on the declarative transaction management services provided via the Spring AOP.
使用SpringAOP,任何受spring框架管理的对象都可变为面向方面的,并且本教程利用了通过Spring AOP提供的声明式事务管理服务。
With the Spring AOP, any object managed by the Spring Framework can become aspect oriented, and this tutorial will rely on the declarative transaction management services provided by the Spring AOP.
使用SpringAOP,任何受spring框架管理的对象都可变为面向方面的,并且本教程利用了通过Spring AOP提供的声明式事务管理服务。
You can implement your services using a variety of programming paradigms, from process-flow style BPEL processes, to state machine-style event management, to declarative business rules style.
Services shall be governed by declarative policies and thus support a dynamically re-configurable architectural style.
The business logic is implemented as a collection of POJOs with a declarative blueprint.xml configuration file to associate bean definitions and references with OSGi services.
业务逻辑被实现为一个POJO集合,并通过一个声明性blueprint . xml配置文件将bean定义和引用与osgi服务关联起来。
The WebSphere Appplication Server's WS-Security function allows the enablement of capabilities during deployment of the web services implementations through a declarative model.
WebSphereAppplicationServer的Web服务安全性(WS-Security)功能通过声明性的模型使得可以在部署 Web 服务的实现时启用这些功能。
Use Enterprise Services declarative transactions for transactions that span multiple resource managers or where you need to flow transaction context across components.
Use Enterprise Services declarative transactions for transactions that span multiple resource managers or where you need to flow transaction context across components.