Any partial loss or damage shall be adjusted prorata on the basis of such declared value.
Any partial loss or damage shall be adjusted prorata on the basis of such declared value.
Baggage declared value can not exceed the value of the contents. The maximum baggage declared value is 8000 yuan.
UPS Internet Shipping supports a maximum declared value for carriage up to USD 50,000 or local currency equivalent when a UPS account number is provided.
Instead of a subjective evaluation of the defect, the tester can rely directly on the declared value the sponsor placed on that specific use case at the time of requirements specification.
A local variable is one that is only available for use (that is, you can assign to it, or fetch its value) within the scope in which it is declared, and within nested scopes as well.
If the application USES a DAO (data access object) with dynamic SQLs and stored procedures, the value object that is passed to DAO can be declared as a cloud resource using annotations.
Type inference is not allowed in cases where the variable is not assigned a value on the same line it is declared.
A variable is initialized with an empty text string as its default value when declared.
The function can have any name and must be declared in the EXPORTS function of the module definition (def) file with an ordinal value of 1.
Use this method to obtain the return value of the RPC when RPC is declared with return value.
Beef exports increased in volume by more than 100 percent and in value by 52 percent after the OIE declared Uruguay to be officially foot and mouth disease-free without vaccination in 1996.
The connection factory requires that the queue manager name parameter be declared but it does not require that this parameter contain a value.
My view is that creativity - like any meaningful exchange of value - is not declared but negotiated.
Leaving them out, however, can often lead to programming errors because the initial value of the variable depends on the context in which it is declared.
Attributes2 extends Attributes by providing information as to whether each attribute is declared in the DTD or whether an attribute value is defaulted by the DTD.
The animate property works by changing a named property from one value to another over a declared amount of time.
You should take care to return a value of the right type and to only throw exceptions declared by the method; otherwise, the Proxy implementation will raise a RuntimeException.
This class is declared in one of the resource files, and its name must match the value of the iScope attribute.
For example, an int parameter would be declared as int and a String parameter would be declared as String so a value could be returned in it.
The menubar attribute declared in the Frame object in Listing 3 has a menubar object as its value.
The WebResult annotation (optional) is declared at the method level and is used to customize the return value of the web service operation.
The function can have any name and must be declared in the EXPORTS function of the module definition file with an ordinal value of 1. The callback function must be in this format
该函数可以拥有任何名称,但必须在模块定义(DEF)文件的EXPORTS 函数中用序数值1 来声明它。
An immutable "variable" is declared with the keyword val (think value object).
The class attribute value should be declared as a default attribute value in the DTD.
class属性值应该在 DTD中被声明为默认属性值。
The up variable is declared as a read-only “value” using the val keyword.
变量up 被val关键字定义为一个只读的值。
Methods can actually be declared on both value and pointer types.
If our ancestors had declared themselves thus satisfied, we would be without many things that we value-and that they would have valued too, could they have imagined them.
Anything beyond a preset monetary value must be declared or turned in to the company.
Normally the declared price is approved as the base of the customs duty-paying value of the goods through clearance.