Before you invest hundreds and thousands of hours on a language, you should deconstruct it.
Often what you will find as you deconstruct the anger itself, is that it usually has hurt associated with it, fear associated with it, but often sadness associated with it.
Once established, we can test the paradigm with some concrete samples, validating it through blending the 3 levels and then deconstruct their complex hierarchical meaning.
I think it is my tendency to deconstruct the documentary style through a personal game that causes a shift in its nature.
Trying to deconstruct why I do it, I'm not afraid to say that I'm at least a little vain, I wouldn't appear on television if I wasn't.
Sandy Carter shows how to deconstruct your business into a "componentized" business model, then support that model with linked, repeatable it services that can adapt quickly, easily, and economically.
It is no exaggeration to say that the fundamental mission statement of the current system is to defame and deconstruct Western culture and history.
You still had literary heroes, masters and disciples; it was just that what they did now was deconstruct each other.
It deconstruct traditions, create something new and original, unconventional or unorthodox, use a kind of satire, humor, game's point of view on the so-called tradition and classic.
I'm going in, I'm going to figure this stuff out, I'm going to spend a year, I'm going to totally deconstruct shame, I'm going to understand how vulnerability works, and I'm going to outsmart it.
I'm going in, I'm going to figure this stuff out, I'm going to spend a year, I'm going to totally deconstruct shame, I'm going to understand how vulnerability works, and I'm going to outsmart it.