When you come to choosing a dining table, it really is worth digging deep into your pocket for the best you can afford.
Grampy stretched his long leg out straight and reached his huge hand deep into the pocket. I could hear the familiar jangling of the loose change he always carried.
I used to hide my cellphone in a deep pocket and carry a wallet filled with paper to hand over to motor scooter pirates at intersections if someone stuck a gun in the car window to rob me.
"She brought a cigarette out of her apron pocket and tucked it deep into one corner of her mouth, the way she did when something pleased her."
He grabbed his wallet from the bedside table and stuffed it deep in his pocket.
Grampy stretched his long leg out straight and reached his huge hand deep into the pocket.
She brought a cigarette out of her apron pocket and tucked it deep into one corner of her mouth, the way she did when something pleased her.
As hedge funds and other deep-pocket players unload stock to cover margin calls from their brokers, the market falls further, forcing others to sell.
"A liquid water layer or pocket in contact with the rock, which is deep below Enceladus' surface, will acquire sodium from the rock - essentially leaching the rock," he says.
Big company often use its deep pocket as a leverage to initiate price war against competition.
The conserved surface patch and the deep pocket are responsible for binding to PP2A and ATP, respectively.
When Roberta had figured the total, a tired, old hand fished deep into the trench coat pocket.
Objective: Study the effect of HBO on periodontal indices and plaque morphology in pocket bottom of human periodontitis with different pocket deep.
Germany doesn't feel so rich anymore and doesn't want to continue serving as the deep pocket for the rest of Europe.
Germany doesn't feel so rich anymore and doesn't want to continue serving as the deep pocket for the rest of Europe.