Any deep space mission would be accompanied by a larger compartment for the crew, Cooke said.
These different technologies manifest into different concepts that must be evaluated when designing each deep space mission.
As for mission duration under powered space flight, Deep space 1 gets to keep that record for another few months until Dawn eclipses that record as well on August 10.
NASA developed a similar engine for its Deep Space 1 Mission, launched in 1998, but the new thruster has advantages.
Dawn is able to perform the trick of moving from one asteroid to another thanks to its ion-rocket engines, pioneered on an earlier NASA mission called Deep Space one.
In deep space exploration mission, the navigation scheme of the cruise phase is the key technology to research.
But, it struck me how much this dive, these deep dives was like a space mission. You know, where it was highly technical, and it required enormous planning.
The ship's small crew, frustrated and discontent with their lives in deep space try to complete a successful mission, but the ship has ideas of it's own.
The mission would call into question whether SLS is actually needed for deep space exploration, especially with crewed Orion flights on SLS not beginning until 2021, Muncy said.
In the deep space exploration mission, on-board computers (OBC) for satellite control systems have more new requirements, such as intelligence, adaptability and self-determination capability.
The immense lift capability is necessary to put all the equipment in orbit that is needed to undertake a deep-space mission.
The immense lift capability is necessary to put all the equipment in orbit that is needed to undertake a deep-space mission.