In this example, the project name used is Default.
Add a new class to the project. Accept the default name "Class1.cs".
添加一个新类到项目中,使用默认的名称“Class1 . cs ”。
As a default, Modeler appends a time and date string to the end of the project interchange name so you can easily tell when it was exported. To import the project interchange file.
Enter "blog" in the project name text field. Accept the default location for the project root.
If she opens the file for editing, it appears in the default project (which can be changed using the Browse button) using the file name shown.
For example, if your project name is ChartDemo, the default location for the assembly will be the ChartDemo_bin folder.
Name the project, and leave the rest of the default Settings as they are (see Figure 7).
命名项目为com . ibm . uml2 . wsdl . binding . extension,并让剩下的设置保持默认值(见于图7)。
Create a UML Project with this name: soaml_example. Other than the following Settings, just keep the default values of the wizard.
When prompted, accept the default for your project name and specify a name for your SQL statement.
The default name assigned to the team when the project is created is team 1.
The project tag is also used to set the name of the project, the default target, and the base directory.
Optionally, you can specify the location, although by default the name of the project will be used as the name of the new ASP.NET virtual directory in IIS as well.
In the New Monitor-Set dialog, shown in Figure 11, select the monitor set project to create the monitor set in, and specify a monitor set name (or accept the default), then click Finish.
在New Monitor - Set对话框(如图11所示)中,选择要在其中创建监测集的监测集项目,指定一个监测集名称(或者接受默认值),然后单击Finish。
The context root will default to the Web project name.
默认情况下,其上下文根(context root)将指向Web项目名。
From the physical data model File page, accept the default value for the data design project, specify ARCH_JKENT_HR_changes for the name for the physical model, and specify the database type.
Keep the default name for the Web project, and ensure that OrderSystem is the EAR project name (Figure 55).
We accept the default file name, "Services", ensure that the destination folder is set to the root directory of our project, and press "Finish".
接受默认文件名 “Services”,确保目标文件夹设置为项目的root目录,随后按下 “Finish”。
In the New Flex Project window that displays, enter jsonrpcserializing in the Project name field, accept all the default Settings, and Click Finish.
在显示的NewFlexProject窗口中,在Project name字段输入jsonrpcserializing,接受所有默认设置并单击Finish。
Enter sample.buddynote.update for the Project name and deselect the Use default location option.
为Project name输入sample . buddynote . update,并取消选择usedefaultlocation选项。
Specify BankProject as the Project name and leave the default values, as shown in Figure 8.
指定BankProject作为Project name并保留其他默认值,如图8所示。
In the UML Modeling project dialog, specify AutoLoanExtensions as the project name, check Use default location, and check Create new UML model in the project, as shown in Figure 4, then click Next.
在UMLModelingproject对话框中,指定AutoLoanExtensions作为project name,选中usedefaultlocation,选中Createnew UMLmodelintheproject,如图4所示,然后单击Next。
Give your project a name, such as, click Next, and accept the default values on the screen Plug-in project Structure.
给项目命名(如org . my . eclipse . xmleditor),单击Next,然后接受屏幕Plug - inProject Structure上的缺省值。
Our project has a package name of "com.mamlambo.sample.ndk1" with a default Activity name of "AndroidNDK1SampleActivity" - you'll see these appear again soon.
我们的项目有个叫做“com . mamlambo . sample . ndk1”的包,带有一个叫做“AndroidNDK1SampleActivity”的默认Activity——你之后还会看到它们。
If you want all pages to use the same form, then you can set the default form on a per namespace basis, by adding a page in the project namespace, with the name of the namespace, if that makes sense.
By default, the names are based on the project name.
By default, the names are based on the project name.