A TableAdapter and a default user interface for the object are automatically created.
Default User Interface: new pseudo color code system for status bar and playlist view.
The simplest way to embed a video is to use a video element and allow the browser to provide a default user interface.
By default, Rails captures enough metadata within Active Record to build a surprisingly sophisticated default user interface.
Let's first take a look at how Discovery Edition was configured to search and navigate the WITS collection using the default user interface.
This causes a default user interface, which has a tabular format to be automatically created and also generates the necessary code to interact with the user interface.
You can drag and drop the data source onto a form in the application, which automatically creates a default user interface control in the form and generates all the necessary code.
Default visible columns - The typical user interface of a form contains a grid to display an overview for all data entered.
For example, credentials type should default to initiator because user principals are more likely than service principals to use the login interface.
Ubuntu 10.10 is the first version of Ubuntu to come with the Ubuntu font family, and it USES it for many user interface elements by default.
Ubuntu 10.10是第一个带有ubuntu字体族的版本,默认设置下,这一字体将被应用在许多用户界面的元素中。
Similarly, customization on the Web, involves the user making changes to the "default" user interface, the layout, and to the content being presented based on his or her specific preferences.
与此类似,Web 方面的自定义包括用户根据他(她)的特殊喜好更改“缺省”用户界面、布局,以及要呈现的内容。
It does not contain a graphical user interface (GUI) and boots by default as a RAM disk; thus any changes you make are lost when you unplug.
Even though the user interface is disabled by default, though, a small hack makes it possible to use the preview with a full user interface.
To configure the default login to history-only mode through the user interface, complete the following steps.
Some profilers come with analysis add-ons or a slick user interface, and some track more data by default than JConsole does.
一些分析插件附带分析器或者灵巧的用户界面,默认情况下比 JConsole跟踪更多的数据。
Beginning with the release 6.5.3 hotfix, a new lightweight skin is available for both the default and the WebSphere Portal user interface.
从版本6.5.3 hotfix开始,有了一个新的轻量级皮肤,该皮肤既可以用于默认用户界面,又可以用于WebSpherePortal用户界面。
After more than twelve years without any change, eBay recently modified this element of their user interface-instead sorting results by Best Match by default.
I checked in about: config and was pleased to see that TraceMonkey's JIT is enabled by default for both the user interface and Web content.
The user interface does not make this easy, and the default out-of-the-box formatting does not help in most cases either.
The control package includes 17 sets of user control source code, is a fully customizable to support a graphical interface for user control (the default style to XP style).
Only one property and one event per module can be selected User Interface Default.
The control packet contains 17 users control the source code, is a support fully customizable graphical user interface controller (the default style for XP style).
The control packet contains 17 users control the source code, is a support fully customizable graphical user interface controller (the default style for XP style).