Mr. A was counsel for the plaintiff, and Mr. B for the defendant.
When the plaintiff has elaborated his casewith witnesses and evidence, the defendant is given a chance to refute theplaintiff's charges, arguments, and evidence.
Article 33 in the course of legal proceedings, the defendant shall not by himself collect evidence from the plaintiff and witnesses.
However, in those cases, between the plaintiff and the defendant did not or had not been married.
But how to maintain the legal effect of that also 'involves which prevents the legitimate rights of plaintiff and defendant.
This provision establishes the system administrative litigation between the plaintiff and the defendant can not be mediated.
The defendant presents evidences, and the plaintiff or thirdparty cross-examines;
Furthermore, only the subject of the right and the subject of the liability in Marine tort law are certained, can the plaintiff and defendant in proceeding be certained.
The most serious objection to free-market law is that plaintiff and defendant may not be able to agree on a common court.
The plaintiff presents evidences, and the defendant or thirdparty cross-examines;
When a defendant loses a case and wants to appeal, the defendant will be required to post a bond so that it is clear to the Court and to the plaintiff that there is security.
The class action may overcome such bias, promoting the equality between the plaintiff and defendant in the process of litigation.
The third-party defendant is bound by the adjudication of the third-party plaintiff, s liability to the plaintiff as well as of his own liability to the plaintiff and to the third-party plaintiff.
The ball shot by the defendant hit the plaintiff in his left eye and caused injury after being blocked by the plaintiff with hands.
The outcome burden is partaked by the plaintiff and the defendant in the administrative procedure.
This means that a petition based on unfairness and injustice by the defendant could not be brought by a plaintiff who himself had acted unfairly or unjustly.
In the course of legal proceedings, the defendant shall not by himself collect evidence from the plaintiff and witnesses.
The subject element is parties in a broad sense, including the plaintiff, the defendant and the third party.
The defendant has the burden to prove plaintiff, s negligence, and may use any of the methods a plaintiff may use to prove defendant, s negligence.
Where the plaintiff adds litigant requests, the defendant raises a counter-claim and a third party raises a litigant request related to the case in question, they may be heard in combination.
WHEREFORE, the Defendant prays that the Complaint of the Plaintiff be dismissed in its entirety and that no relief be afforded whatsoever thereunder.
China's current appeals system of administrative litigation, administrative proceedings the plaintiff and the defendant have the same right of appeal, but there is no difference.
Article 52 the plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims. The defendant may admit or rebut the claims and shall have the right to file counterclaims.
The plaintiff then sends the defendant a statement of claim (which describes the harm he has suffered), and the latter sends the plaintiff a defence.
Originally, plaintiff and defendant are French; however, they have been assimilated as English.
As a rule, victim plaintiff and tortfeasor doubted defendant, but confirming not tort suit changes the roles of two parties.
Generally, the party bringing the lawsuit to the court is called the plaintiff, and the party against whom the action is brought is called the defendant.
OVERVIEW: This was an action to recover possession of a tract of land to which both plaintiff and defendant asserted title.
案件综述: 该案涉及原被告双方均主张对一块土地享有权利,并要求讨回该土地的占有权。
OVERVIEW: This was an action to recover possession of a tract of land to which both plaintiff and defendant asserted title.
案件综述: 该案涉及原被告双方均主张对一块土地享有权利,并要求讨回该土地的占有权。