Over the past ten years global assets in DB plans have grown by just 2.9% a year, whereas those in defined-contribution plans have increased by 7.5%, according to a Towers Watson study.
They would also have hybrid plans, with part of the traditional defined-benefit pension replaced by a defined-contribution plan of the sort common in the private sector.
Public-sector pensions for new employees must become defined-contribution plans, as in the private sector.
Offered within 401 (k) s and other defined-contribution retirement plans, these products aim to shield investors from market downdrafts and deliver modest returns.
这些产品包括在401 (k)计划和其他固定缴款退休计划中,意在帮助投资者防范市场下滑,提供较小规模的回报。
But the replacement of DB schemes with defined-contribution (DC) plans hurts employees.
But the replacement of DB schemes with defined-contribution (DC) plans hurts employees.