Adjectives of different categories differ in the degree of activity.
This is still a work in progress, but the degree of activity and experimentation provides cause for optimism.
The change in degree of activity for mutants was more than that of the parent, and coincident with the ability of resistance to disease.
The extent of chronic hepatitis can be graded by the degree of activity (necrosis and inflammation) and staged by the degree of fibrosis.
My own record of investing such huge sums of money, with restrictions on the degree of activity I might take in companies where we had investments, would be no better, if as good.
In part, this is due to their degree of differentiation and institutionalization and, to a certain extent, to their secularization and the extent of the scope of their pre-disaster activity.
Michael Clapham, a senior lecturer at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, said children needed a high degree of physical activity.
Manual processing: The lack of integration led to a high degree of manual activity, causing data duplication and manual reconciliation.
Every activity in life carries some degree of risk.
The activity would have to be repeated thousands of times before the ligament would get stressed to that degree.
The degree of coiling of the chromatin varies during cell activity.
Researchers found that an image of a romantic partner dulls activity in the pain-processing areas of the brain, to the same degree as paracetamol or narcotics such as cocaine。
Researchers found that an image of a romantic partner dulls activity in the pain-processing areas of the brain, to the same degree as paracetamol or narcotics such as cocaine.
In vitro experiment: Beer inhibited the activity of various enzymes in vitro to a certain degree.
Phenomenon of situational separation was found in this study which suggests that psychological activity have a certain degree of physiological reserve.
The results show that most of middle-aged and old women participate in various keeping-fit activity in various degree, most of them choose the park near their houses.
CONCLUSION: the serum ACE activity decreases in the event of cerebral infarction, which is related with the degree of cerebral tissue damage and the state of brain function.
Advertising media is a important component of advertising activity, how to choose advertising media and use it determine the succeed or not of the advertisement at heavy degree.
Membership organizations have tended to register under one law or another largely depending on the law's degree of flexibility rather than the nature of their underlying activity.
The degree of formation denudation and fault activity are the key factors to oil and gas preservation.
The hazard is a function of scale and probability of disaster occurrence, reflects activity degree and damage capability of disaster.
Objective to investigate the expression level of ING1 gene and their effects on cell proliferation activity and apoptosis degree in human gliomas.
The height of nesting of magpie was influenced by human activity to some degree.
The mutagenic activity of drinking water could be concerned with traditional chlorination process and the pollution degree of the raw water.
The fabrics finished with ASQA had a certain degree of antibacterial activity and showed an antibacterial rate of over 80% after 30 cycles of washing, confirming its excellent wash fastness.
Detecting the level of NO and the activity of NOS of patients with hepatic portal hypertension can predict the degree of liver injury.
Detecting the level of NO and the activity of NOS of patients with hepatic portal hypertension can predict the degree of liver injury.