I have good quality, cheerful optimism, not afraid of difficulties, to do anything full of self-confidence, a certain degree of adaptability.
The degree of adaptability and the differences in the average cost of adaptation of different types of property are large and there is major variation within property type.
With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, it is required that enterprises must have a high degree of adaptability and innovation to survive in the changing economic environment.
According to crop climate adaptability degree, maps of crop climate adaptability division can be set up.
Has good learning ability and adaptability to the environment, can withstand a certain degree of work pressure.
Squeeze casting is an advanced liquid formation technique for machine parts, and has the advantages of high adaptability, high efficiency, high mechanization degree and good work condition.
Therefore, this paper intends to research the politeness degree between distance iconicity and utterance from cognitive viewpoint of adaptability in dynamic context of language application.
Results postpartum depression and postpartum recovery were significantly correlated with the degree of intimacy and adaptability between the mother and other family members.
The critical surface tension, coarse degree and the oil ink adhesive force of plastics were improved, so the print adaptability was improved.
Because of its high versatility and adaptability, industrial robot has been applied widely in industry. It increases the efficiency of production and the degree of automation.
The gray relation degree indicates that the series for adaptability of every mining method are surface mining, sublevel caving mining, block stop mining etc;
The utility model has the advantages of convenient installation, good adaptability, high degree of functionality, large water discharging amount and high grade, and can meet various requirements;
The utility model has the advantages of convenient installation, good adaptability, high degree of functionality, large water discharging amount and high grade, and can meet various requirements;