Delete from table where col is null;
Sometimes an application needs to delete all records from a given table to clean up a log or reload sales data for a new month.
Delete a row from a table with 10 indexes, and DB2 must remove all index entries associated with the deleted rows.
如果从一个带有10个索引的表删除一行,DB 2必须删除与被删除的行关联的所有索引条目。
The simple answer is to delete the table from the database and, if necessary, create a replacement table.
A delete operation could remove a record from a parent table, leaving records in an associated child table that no longer have a matching record in the parent table.
It is a good practice to delete any pruned rows from the table that you loaded in order to ensure that you do not load duplicate rows into the table at a later time.
Data delete specifies the interval at which data from this table is deleted.
In general, however, you don't want to delete all rows from a table; instead, you'll selectively delete rows.
A simple delete command causes DB2 to remove the data from the current table and maintain an old version in the history table, including the end time of the deleted data.
一个简单的DELETE命令导致DB 2从当前表移除数据,并在历史表中维护一个旧版本,包括已删除数据的结束时间。
DML commands are used to add, modify, delete, or select data from a table in the database.
You could manually delete the HTML table tags from source, or you could configure the Faces Library Definition so that it can use this configuration on other pages and in other projects.
To avoid analyzing duplicate records, you delete rows from the CHECKING table with a timestamp greater than the one you pruned the pruned the audit log with.
Note: you can delete the existing records in the product table that you imported from the old database to test out the code.
Switch to the report Design perspective and delete the table from the work items report that you created in the previous article.
Otherwise, the deleted row is moved from replication table to the associated delete table, which might cause problems for the subsequent alter operation on the replicated table.
Delete the columns named begin and end from the Result columns table.
To delete tables from the Server Explorer tree, right-click on the appropriate table node in the tree, and choose the delete option.
Release the row locks so that other applications can SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE from the table (for example, use isolation level cursor stability or uncommitted read).
释放行锁,以便其他应用程序可以对表执行SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE(例如,使用游标稳定性(curs or stability)隔离级别或未提交读(uncommitted read)隔离级别)。
When rows associated by package IDs are not required, SAP needs a quick and efficient mechanism to delete the data from the table.
ON DELETE CASCADE—When a record is deleted from the parent table, all records in the child table with matching foreign key values are also deleted.
ON DELETECASCADE —当一条记录从父表中删除时,子表中的所有记录以及匹配的外键值都全部被删除。
The delete statement deletes all rows from the specified table that satisfy an optional WHERE clause.
When ON delete set NULL is active, when a record is deleted from the parent table, all records in the child table with matching foreign key values are set to NULL.
当ON DELETESETNULL规则被激活时,如果一条记录从父表中删除,子表中的所有记录以及匹配的外键值都被设置为NULL。
When an ON delete CASCADE rule is active, all records in the child table with matching foreign key values are deleted when a record is deleted from the parent table.
Apart from the ability to create new tables, you might also want to delete tables-only if you've made an accidental typing mistake, or when you no longer need a particular table.
All that DB2 does is to allow an UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT to appear in the from clause of a select and allow the user to chose which transition table shall be selected from.
DB 2所做的就是允许UPDATE、DELETE和INSERT出现在选择语句的from子句中,并允许用户选择应该从哪个过渡表进行选择。
Delete-the delete method takes an integer ID and deletes that row from the table.
From the table list of links, identify the link you wish to delete.
For queries or views that show data from a single table or view, you can edit the values in individual columns in the result set, add new rows, and delete existing rows.
I have a table structure with partitioned tables, where a few child tables inherit from a common parent. How so I DELETE only from the parent table?