Permanently Delete Your account.
They don't want you to delete your account.
Doesn't allow you to delete your account.
It will then ask you why you want to delete your account.
This page explains what happens when you delete your account.
Account deletions are permanent, so make sure you really want to delete your account before clicking that "delete account" button.
Once you've read the information on the page you have to enter your password a captcha code and then confirm that you want to delete your account.
Once you've read the information on the page, you have to enter your password, a captcha code and then confirm that you want to delete your account.
Premium services you may still be billed for those after your account has been terminated so make sure you cancel those premium services before you delete your account.
Premium services, you may still be billed for those after your account has been terminated, so make sure you cancel those premium services before you delete your account.
If so, you'll need to go to each website where you're using your Windows Live login credentials and delete your accounts there prior to deleting the Live account itself.
Please understand that if I see you offering, asking for or saying you use the tool on any site I will immediately delete your account and notify every program owner that I can of your activities.
If you linked your Google account to an existing YouTube account, you'll need to delete that account separately.
posts/delete -- To delete existing bookmarks from your account
posts/delete —— 用于删除帐户中的现有书签
When you add, delete, rename or rearrange any bookmark in any browser on any of your computers, the Foxmarks software sends the change up to the Web account.
Move the line that initializes account from the test method to setUp , then delete the declaration and initialization from the other test method. Your test class should now look like Listing 8.
From that page, you can delete certain services (Orkut and Web History), as well as delete your entire account by clicking on “Clear account and delete all services and info associated with it”.
在这个页面上,你可以删除某些特定的服务(Orkut和网页记录),如果你真的想删除所有服务,你也可以点击“Clearaccountanddeleteallservices andinfoassociatedwithit(清除帐户并且删除所有相关服务和信息)”。
For instance, users may want to delete their account on your site (obviously unfortunate that they want to leave, but they may have valid reasons).
One thing to note is that deleting your account does not delete your videos or channel, just your profile information.
Just go to their delete account page, enter your user ID/nickname and password, and click on “Delete Account”.
只需进入删除账户界面,输入用户名或昵称与密码,然后点击“Delete Account(删除账户)”。
If you don't like it, then delete it from your account.
How can I delete my account if I no longer want to receive your surveys?
If spam becomes too much of a problem, simply delete this account, create a new one, and change thee-mail address in your profile to the new address.
Canceling your hosting account will delete all of your Web site files that you have stored on our servers.
You may opt out of receiving email messages from us about products and services that may be of interest to you or delete your member account at any time.
You may opt out of receiving email messages from us about products and services that may be of interest to you or delete your member account at any time.