These events might include an excessive time delay in an ordering or delivery process, or perhaps an inventory issue on the part of one of your suppliers that requires an immediate action.
The contango is likely to flatten as supply cuts by OPEC and other producers take effect, reducing the availability of oil for immediate delivery, Currie said.
Granular control over push notification delivery so you can get immediate news of just your most important updates?
Either the delivery is immediate, or we'll have to cancel the order.
In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, overburdened orphanages did their best to cope: right, orphaned children sleeping on mattresses in a delivery truck on Jan. 20, 2010.
The goods are being prepared for immediate delivery and will be ready for shipment tomorrow.
Iron ore for immediate delivery advanced 9.2 percent to $104.1 a ton for the week ended Aug. 7, according to The Steel Index.
Thesong was an immediate success but remained a secret for many years, until an organ delivery man from Tyrol took note of it on his way through the village.
The song was an immediate success but remained a secret for many years, until an organ delivery man from Tyrol took note of it on his way through the village.
The company could then arrange immediate delivery of goods to the client and maintain current sales statistics.
Iron ore prices on the spot market – for immediate delivery – more than doubled over the period, although they have since fallen back.
We must insist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order in accordance with the contract stipulations.
We must insist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order.
We are willing to pay an additional fee for immediate delivery.
Now have a professional sales group to form a modern sale system and assure of suppling high quality products, immediate delivery and excellent service for our customers.
Supply for immediate delivery has been tight in Europe.
We are now insisting on your immediate delivery, otherwise we would be compelled to cancel the order in accordance with the stipulations of the contract.
Silver for immediate delivery has averaged $12.52 so far this year.
We is willing to pay an additional fee for immediate delivery.
The goods are prepared for immediate delivery and will be ready for shipment tomorrow.
That means that rate for immediate delivery of cash.
Gold for immediate delivery has advanced for eight consecutive years, the longest winning streak since at least 1948.
If the holder prompt payment, payment shall be required to show others the bill in payment, the holder shall pay bills for immediate delivery to the party.
Usually refers to a cash market price for a physical commodity that is available for immediate delivery.
If you believe me to be wrong could you give me the reference within the rules of the ADCVD, IIUS, or USCPD code pertaining to immediate delivery via cod?
The song was an immediate success but remained a secret for many years, until an organ delivery man from Tyrol took note of it on his way through the village.
The song was an immediate success but remained a secret for many years, until an organ delivery man from Tyrol took note of it on his way through the village.