Investors in these funds expect to get their money back on demand, just like depositors in a bank.
As economic activity has picked up, so has demand for small-business loans-so much so that remaining stimulus funds ran dry in November.
A liquidity trap can occur whenever there is a sharp reduction in demand for loanable funds-which is exactly what happened during the Great Depression.
To develop the products with consumer demand. The city of sales field of funds used in scientific research 3 above.
In this, there is a lot of demand for allocation of funds.
In fact, the whole industry demand for funds great.
Lack of the management awareness on the modern enterprise, having no enough regards for the forecast of funds demand and cash flux are the main factors caused in short supply for circulating funds.
In neoclassical interest-rate theory for instance, the interest rate is believed to be determined by the supply of and demand for loanable funds.
Venture capital can promote technical innovation and satisfy the demand for funds in the high-tech sector and thus accelerate the transformation rate of the new technology.
UNPROFOR farmers loans in rural credit cooperatives is to improve their credit services, community residents is to meet the credit demand for funds launched by the new form of loans.
Describe supply and demand in the market for loanable funds and the market for foreign-currency exchange. How are these markets linked?
Physical Education in Yanbian City Because of the limited funds and space, demand of the equipment, and space is not standard, some schools can't reach the national requirements.
In the stock market, as the demand side of funds by financial institutions as well as public expectations on the stock market and interest rates and tax implications.
The financial crisis led to a big increase in demand for IMF funds, first from weaker emerging nations but later, and to a far greater extent, from the euro zone.
It emphasized that interest rates reflect the real relationship of funds cost and the supply-demand, and play an effective role in the economic levers.
In recent years, the contradiction between supply and demand of funds has been Concerned of academics in rural financial market.
The slower growth of demand deposits has forced commercial Banks to turn more and more to time and savings deposits and other sources of funds in order to perform their credit functions.
The slower growth of demand deposits has forced commercial Banks to turn more and more to time and savings deposits and other sources of funds in order to perform their credit functions.