The results show that there are infinite demand functions which can realize given demand price elasticity and given marginal return.
A reasonable electricity price discount is used to balance the benefits between buyers and sellers for the existing of power demand price elasticity.
The market and price fluctuation trend from electric power and chemical industries will also influence natural gas demand price fluctuation trend in return.
Starting from supply chain integration, taking the maximum profit as a target and following the market regulations, a factor of demand price elasticity was introduced.
The long equilibrium price in emulous fertilizer market will equal to its productive and management cost, and will determinated by demand price in non-emulous fertilizer market.
The economic downturn is drying up demand for oil and natural gas, dropping the benchmark price for a barrel of oil to below $50.
Escalating worldwide demand for corn has led to a sharp increase in the market price of corn, and corn prices are likely to remain high.
For all uses except the domestic demand of the poor, governments should price water to reflect its actual value.
If the product is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market.
Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.
As demand for food rises faster than supplies are growing, the resulting food-price inflation puts severe stress on the governments of many countries.
Each large firm will thus avoid significant price-cutting, because price-cutting would be prejudicial to the common interest in a stable demand for products.
This is not about price, it’s about demand.
The result was a tight cap on the price, regardless of demand.
If consumer demand for one good is driving its price up, demand for other products must be falling in ways that will drive the prices of other goods down.
In a free market the price of money is determined by supply and demand, just like the price of other goods.
Even Greenpeace does not suggest that there will not be temporary squeezes on demand and price spikes.
An increase in the price of a substitute increasesthe demand for a good, and conversely, a decrease in the price of a substitutedecreases demand for a good.
When the price of a television set or software package goes up, demand for it generally falls. When the price of a financial asset rises, demand generally increases.
One may wonder what kind of God would demand such a price from his beloved son.
Assuming demand returns, price per clicks should rise again.
Suppliers of iron ore grouped together to demand hefty price rises of 72% for their products in March this year, even after obtaining a 19% rise last year.
Thequantity traded, q*, can be obtained from either supply or demand and the price
However, for many environments with high demand requirements, this price is worth paying because ODR improves load balancing, plus provides a multitude of other useful features.
If the demand for corn were very price-sensitive, a relatively small increase in price would reduce global demand by enough to offset the initial rise in demand.
If the demand for corn were very price-sensitive, a relatively small increase in price would reduce global demand by enough to offset the initial rise in demand.