This year Google, the Internet search engine, launched a similar web-based tool called Google dengue Trends to monitor for dengue fever.
Mexico identified 27, 000 cases of dengue fever last year, more than four times the number in 2001.
Once, when the dengue fever was raging in Calcutta, some portion of our extensive family had to take shelter in Chhatu Babu's river-side villa.
At present, the most pressing health concerns are diarrhoeal disease, dysentery, acute respiratory infections, malaria, and dengue fever.
More waterlogged areas and changes in temperature will mean sharp rises in vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.
There is evidence linking ENSO to malaria in Latin America, rift valley fever in east Africa, and dengue fever and its more lethal form, dengue hemorrhagic fever, in Thailand.
Latin America will suffer from food and water insecurity, and the increased spread of malaria and dengue fever.
Forexample, rising temperatures in Europe would provide new habitats for amosquito that transmits yellow fever, West Nile virus, dengue fever andencephalitis, ter Meulen said.
The good news is that you probably don't have cancer. Or AIDS, dengue fever, Lyme disease, Ebola, leprosy, or any of the other terrifying illnesses that keep WebMD in business.
Defending Olympic badminton champion Taufik Hidayat of Indonesia has been hospitalized with dengue fever and it is uncertain whether he will defend his title at the Beijing Games.
The clinical features of dengue fever vary according to the age of the patient.
"This is an epidemic year for dengue fever, " Anuttarasakdi said. "But what is more worrying is that people are aloof when it comes to prevention."
Between 1 January 2006-5 March 2006, 25 patients with clinical symptoms consistent with dengue fever were laboratory confirmed.
When the mosquito which causes yellow and dengue fever, Aedes aegypti, was revised to Stegomyia aegypti, many important journals rejected the new name.
当导致黄热病和登革热的——Aedesaegypti(埃及伊蚊)被改成Stegomyia aegypti的时候,许多重要的学术期刊都拒绝这一新名字。
On 2 April 2008, the State of Rio de Janeiro reported 57 010 cases of dengue fever (DF) including 67 confirmed deaths and 58 deaths currently under investigation.
2008年4月2日,里约热内卢州报告登革热病例57 010例,包括67例登革热确诊死亡,另有58例死亡正在调查之中。
Beyond ordinary inconvenience, Pakistani medical facilities say the frequent outages hinder efforts to treat illness, particularly an acute outbreak of dengue fever in the east.
Dengue fever, usually brought back to the us by travellers, infects 100 to 200 Americans a year.
The pathogen can spur dengue fever, which is marked by agonizing muscle and joint pains but is rarely fatal.
The pathogen can spur dengue fever, which is marked by agonizing muscle and joint pains but is rarely fatal.