Japan has a high density of population.
The density of population in this city is very high.
We shall have radically to replan them to achieve a rational density of population.
The population distributes unevenly around world, which can be measured by the density of population.
Have you learned about the density of population in different parts in the world "Misha's father asked."
On spatial, there are high pollutants concentrations in active economic areas with high density of population.
Moreover, the density of population has weak relation with the mortality of regional prnduetion safety accident.
The Yangtze River Delta cities have high density of population and wealth, and climate change will add to great disaster risks.
Moreover, underlying surface condition, density of population and road also play a role in the occurrence of rainstorm waterlogging.
Regulation of self- thinning is that relationship between DBH and average density of population accords with negative power function.
There is a good coupling between the degree of the natural frangibility and the density of population and the water resource of per capita.
The pressures from excessive density of population, the environment and transport downtown will be the pushing force for population retribution.
In serious rocky desertification area, the indexes of density of population, gathering degree of peasants, workforce quantity are relatively lower.
The density of population is big, the industrial agricultural and commercial sectors are highly developed, and the fuel demand is great in Zhujiang delta area.
The population density of that country is 685 per square mile.
The average population density of the world is 47 persons per square mile.
County X and County Y have similar terrain, but the population density of County X is significantly higher than that of County Y.
X县和Y 县的地形相似,但 X 县的人口密度显著高于 Y 县。
The actual level of intensity depends on such factors as the physical layout, population density, and productive activities of a metropolis.
The resulting settlement maps show how the distribution and density of the rural population around the city changed dramatically between AD 500 and 850, when copán collapsed.
The ISTP team's research demonstrates that the population and job density of cities rose or remained constant in the 1980s after decades of decline.
In areas of high density it looks more or less like population density.
However, due to a considerable variation in land area, 1 population density and climatic, geological and topographical conditions, the extent of forest cover differs greatly among the island states.
I also recommend a visit to the Shanghai Museum of Urban Planning to anyone curious about population density, retail clusters or transportation infrastructure.
The data resembles a heat map of population density in a given city at any point in time.
There is a close correlation between population density and the number of fires in a given region.
There is a close correlation between population density and the number of fires in a given region.