Travelers encountered blowing and drifting snow, driven by wind gusts up to 35 MPH., the Department of Public Safety said in an advisory.
Lisa Block, spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, said her agency had received calls from residents surprised by sonic booms about 11 a.m.
He enlisted the help of a couple of highway patrolmen, Scott and Frank, a couple of women friends, his boss, and a commander in the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
Despite the focus on DOD, 5 percent of the respondents said they are planning to increase their solutions targeting the Homeland Security Department and public safety and first responders.
According to the Toronto Star, critics warn that deep budget cuts at Canada's Environment Department could put public safety at risk from freak weather events and the impacts of climate change.
According to the Toronto Star, critics warn that deep budget cuts at Canada's Environment Department could put public safety at risk from freak weather events and the impacts of climate change.