Sleep-away camp runs to about $1, 000 a week. Day camps are cheaper - those run by the YMCA cost between $100 and $200 a week, sometimes more, depending on where you live and what you get.
住宿营(Sleep-away camp)每周需要花费大约1000美元,而白天营(Daycamps)要便宜些——那些由基督教青年会(YMCA)主办的夏令营花费大约在每周100至200美元,根据你的住所和收获,价格会有所上浮。
To specify the extension that you built to Lotus Notes/Domino, you need to use the EXTMGR_ADDINS variable in the server's or client's Notes.ini file (depending on where the extension has to run).
要指定构建到LotusNotes/Domino的扩展,则需要使用服务器或客户机的Notes.ini文件中的 EXTMGR_ADDINS变量(这取决于运行该扩展的位置)。
To specify the extension that you built to Lotus Notes/Domino, you need to use the EXTMGR_ADDINS variable in the server's or client's Notes.ini file (depending on where the extension has to run).
要指定构建到LotusNotes/Domino的扩展,则需要使用服务器或客户机的Notes.ini文件中的 EXTMGR_ADDINS变量(这取决于运行该扩展的位置)。