Under the approximation of the full depletion, the calculating formulas for the width and electrical field of depletion region are obtained.
Looked from the cloud field that, the fog forms has moved in the cloud belt the place and the systematic cloud is west the side clear depletion region.
By utilizing the method, the doping concentration of the epitaxial layer is regulated to increase the widening of the depletion region so as to further improve the photon absorption efficiency.
However, even slight changes in the meteorology of the region this month could affect the rate of depletion of ozone and how large an area the ozone hole might span.
The Starkshift of PC peaks relative to ple ones gives a clear indication to the distribution of electricfield in MQW region and the validity of depletion model.
Depletion Layer - a region on a wafer that contains an electrical field that sweeps out charge carriers.
The results show that there is anomalous depletion of condensate in the centre of trap in the strong interacting region.
The results show that there is anomalous depletion of condensate in the centre of trap in the strong interacting region.