He would have been very pleased with the money and the recognition, but he would also have thought the competitive element deplorably vulgar.
At a time when half of the world is suffering from starvation, poor health and a deplorably low standard of living we simply cannot take lightly the population problem.
Any Party organization that deplorably loses touch with the masses and doesn't mend its ways is forfeiting the source of its strength and will invariably fail and be rejected by the people.
Once the sea birds' body, feather and cheek are adhered to oil, their warming, swimming, diving , flying and so on living ability will lose and at the last they will die deplorably in cold and hunger.
Once the sea birds' body, feather and cheek are adhered to oil, their warming, swimming, diving , flying and so on living ability will lose and at the last they will die deplorably in cold and hunger.