I suggest you make a deposit in bank.
More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open.
He has a large deposit in the bank.
It is safest to deposit your money in the bank.
I have placed money on deposit in a bank.
An appropriate reference must be recorded when the deposit or transfer is made so as to facilitate FAO's recognition and recording of the funds received in the bank account.
A final section deals with some of the elements that modify, at least in the short run, the simple mechanical relationship between bank reserves and deposit money.
Like making a large deposit in my name in a Swiss bank.
If you need to implement critical validation logic, such as ensuring that a deposit into a bank account is always positive, then a valid place to consider putting that logic is in the setter.
In the case of a 1% rebate, the high-roller's expected loss rate then falls to 1.85%, which doesn't compare too unfavorably with current mainland bank deposit rates.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, which guarantees bank deposits in America, reckons over 1.5m households will eventually be unable to meet their mortgage payments.
The government will tip in $100b to finance the purchases, utilizing the resources of the $700b bank bailout fund, the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Article 31 a commercial bank should decide its own interest rates and announce them in accordance with the upper and lower limits for deposit interest set by the People's bank of China.
Nor the number of times the same amount of money in a bank may be checked against, if I pay you back with a check and you deposit it in the same bank and draw against it again.
You have lots of Banks; the Banks are taking in gold and issuing notes but they are forced by the bank of England to keep a deposit at the bank of England.
In exchange for the stability provided by deposit insurance and the central bank, Banks submit to regulatory oversight.
"Why don't you deposit it in my bank," the banker asked.
The money that people deposit in their current accounts is itself a loan to the bank, which USES it to provide credit to other households and companies.
Consumers are already twitchy in America, where bank failures are rising and the nation's deposit-insurance fund faces a potential shortfall.
Some thought that physical gold would be a lot safer than a deposit in an insolvent bank.
For many, the ultimate deposit to the Emotional Bank Account comes in forgiving.
So are owners of overseas holiday homes, who often deposit the rent in offshore bank accounts offshore without telling the taxman-definitely illegal, but often hard to track down.
So are owners of overseas holiday homes, who often deposit the rent in offshore bank accounts offshore without telling the taxman-definitely illegal, but often hard to track down.