Any deposit received is new money, regardless of its ultimate source.
An appropriate reference must be recorded when the deposit or transfer is made so as to facilitate FAO's recognition and recording of the funds received in the bank account.
The Fed offered $1 billion for 14 days through its Term Deposit Facility and received bids worth $6.14 billion, the central bank said in a statement today.
Note that the process reverts to previous states (Depositing to Idle states) and that event handling is state dependent (deposit event can be received in both Idle and Depositing states).
Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with thebankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.
Applicant should pay the Entrance fee and Deposit to the bank or agent office, which is assigned by the club, or the club, within 7 days after its application has been received by the club.
Many other students have received similar rejection reasons from the Italian Embassy even though their deposit money is much greater than the requirement.
Receive and record in the General Cashier's daily Report and in the daily deposit all cash and checks received by mail.
We'll return this deposit to you the day of one year later since the day we received the payment.
Prepaid 15% deposit, the remaining amount will be paid after received the copy of bill of lading.
Dear Annie: in the past month, I have received three emails from different people asking me to send a deposit, after which they will forward a winning lottery ticket to me.
The management of the finished goods received and deposit accounts.
Is an authenticated duplicate deposit slip received by someone other than the persons receiving cash, making the deposit and recording cash receipts?
Factory production manager repeatedly asked me if I had received money, but you know only deposit accounts receive delivery.
Factory production manager repeatedly asked me if I had received money, but you know only deposit accounts receive delivery.