It is a curare alkaloid derived from the South American plant.
The biofuel was derived from jatropha, an inedible plant grown by PetroChina, a state-owned oil company, on a plantation in southwest China and refined by Honeywell.
"The main concern for us is that these plant-derived products have a green stamp on them just because they're derived from biomass," said study author Amy Landis of the University of Pittsburgh.
Biofuel consumption may be as simple as throwing a log on a fire or as complex as burning a combustible gas derived from plant matter in a combined-cycle electricity-generating unit.
Water soluble, it is a type of plant derived pigment from caramel .
Compared with genomic SSRs, EST-SSRs are a new kind of molecular makers derived from expression sequence tags with remarkable advantages in high transferability across plant species.
EST -SSR是基于表达序列标签开发微卫星的一种新型分子标记,与基因组ssr相比,EST - SSR具有在植物物种之间可转移性的优点。
Compared with genomic SSRs, EST-SSRs are a new kind of molecular makers derived from expression sequence tags with remarkable advantages in high transferability across plant species.
EST -SSR是基于表达序列标签开发微卫星的一种新型分子标记,与基因组ssr相比,EST - SSR具有在植物物种之间可转移性的优点。