Is the scope an accurate description of the process?
In addition, a detailed description of the process of selection of GM parts.
The final column is a description of the process, usually the name of the binary that was launched.
Now let us have a look at Marx's description of the process of appropriation in Volume I, Capital.
He frequently paid less attention to the Settings of the characters and events, and seldom gave detailed description of the process.
We updated the entry in the SAE catalog and added the data sources and a brief description of the process to generate the visualization.
The calendar table shows the progress of the studio by week. For a more complete description of the process of the studio, see the assignments section.
The description of the process knowledge adopts the method of productive rule and frame in this system. It bases on GT and is done according to parts group.
The first part is the optimization of thermal power plant circulating water system parts, the overall description of the process and the circulating water system problems.
The description of the process model consists of the concurrent and dependent relationships of activities, activity firing conditions, event sequences and document management.
In the example, you will need the description of the financial institution and the process itself.
Part of the process of defining the model was to standardize on a set of common metadata properties (such as title, description, authors, and so on) which are common across all content types.
You might, for example, position executable programs in memory or in the processor, with certain consequences for the description of the execution process.
This article completes the description of that modeling process with two other steps that help detail the functional and presentational aspects of the systems being built.
You can use it to specify both the public interfaces for the partners and the description of the executable process.
You can see the description of the delivery process and other detailed information about the process, such as the configurations to which it belongs.
Therefore, the level of detail in the process description can vary.
If the code generation process is impossible, then the modeling language may not be providing a detailed enough description of the requirements.
The article then provides a detailed description of the staff query XML syntax for the three staff resolution plug-ins that are part of Business Process Choreographer.
The process description can assume that the reader is aware of the context in which the process is explained.
The registration process sends a description of the capabilities of the node to the job manager.
And while the description may seem bizarre, the process is far from alien to many of us.
Activiti takes a different tact, choosing instead to embrace BPMN 2.0, which specifies both execution semantics, as well as the visual description of a process.
Activiti采取的是另一种方式,它使用了BPMN 2.0,后者定义了执行语义和可视化的流程描述。
The relatively recent emergence of Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) for Web services provides a higher-level description language to specify the behavior of Web services.
最近出现的基于Web服务的业务流程执行语言(BPEL)为定义 Web 服务的行为提供了一个高层描述语言。
The message exchange control parameters from RosettaNet (number of retries, hours to complete an activity etc); the workaround is to agree on these issues outside of the business process description.
Note:For a more complete description of the installation process, as well as some troubleshooting tips, see the Product Overview at the Rational software Information Center.
注意:更全面的安装过程描述以及问题解决提示,请通过RationalsoftwareInformationCenter 查阅 JazzProductOverview 文档。
Note:For a more complete description of the installation process, as well as some troubleshooting tips, see the Product Overview at the Rational software Information Center.
注意:更全面的安装过程描述以及问题解决提示,请通过RationalsoftwareInformationCenter 查阅 JazzProductOverview 文档。