There is no need to have each agent maintain its own file descriptor table.
Problem loading the descriptor table, most likely due to a corrupt descriptor table.
RACF defines the classes used for WebSphere MQ so that if no profile is found, then the default is no access (that is, DFTRETC=8 in their class descriptor table definitions).
You can obtain the statistics from the table descriptor of the table node in the underlying access path graph.
Table 1 describes the required deployment descriptor and optional deployment plan.
To see the table descriptor, right-click the table node in the access path graph.
The catalog cache is used to store table descriptor information that is used when the tables, views, or alias have been referenced in previous statements.
A statistics profile is registered or stored in the table descriptor and system catalogs when the command parameter "SET profile" is added to the RUNSTATS command.
The logical file system is also responsible for managing the kernel's open file table and the per process file descriptor information.
Also, notice that the timestamp for the statistics collection displayed at the bottom of the table descriptor shows a very recent date relative to the time this query is explained.
As shown in the table node descriptor, there are 10 partitions in the table space, and the limit key for the ninth partition is 625,000.
In Figure 2, the descriptor for the table node and the descriptor for the TBSCAN node are shown to the left of the access path graph.
Table 1 summarizes the deployment descriptor and deployment plans for Tomcat in Geronimo.
By drilling down to the column statistics in the table descriptor, you can discover that the six elements in the in list predicate happen to be the bottom six values in the frequency statistics.
Figure 10 shows the table descriptor for CUST_ORDER_DETAIL.
The following table summarizes the configuration you completed for the Web service deployment descriptor.
A new type of context information is added in V7 for message properties: user context. Table 5 lists the context fields in the message descriptor.
v7中为消息属性添加了一种新的上下文信息:用户上下文(user context)。
The type descriptor may freely make modifications to this table.
Once an editor table has been added to a type descriptor, it cannot be removed and is owned by the type descriptor.
Table 3-4 lists the fields of the process descriptor that establish these relationships between a process P and the other processes.
Table 3-4 lists the fields of the process descriptor that establish these relationships between a process P and the other processes.