I really like Arizona's desert landscape.
Seen from here, it could be Greece or even Morocco: the desert-like landscape, the low white houses, the olive groves, a single goat.
Gardens and fields, sparkly green, decorated the desert landscape like bright emerald necklaces.
There are four spring-like tropical rainforests, nerve-jangling desert landscape, thunder-and-lightning garden, forceful and majestic trees... there are all kinds of plants about 3000-5000 kinds.
有四季如春的热带雨林,有惊险刺激的沙漠园林,有鲜艳夺目的花园,有挺拔雄伟的树林……每个园林争奇斗艳,树木葱茏,共有形形色色的植物约3000- - - 5000种。
There are four spring-like tropical rainforests, nerve-jangling desert landscape, thunder-and-lightning garden, forceful and majestic trees... there are all kinds of plants about 3000-5000 kinds.
有四季如春的热带雨林,有惊险刺激的沙漠园林,有鲜艳夺目的花园,有挺拔雄伟的树林……每个园林争奇斗艳,树木葱茏,共有形形色色的植物约3000- - - 5000种。