Especially, more attention is paid to design philosophy, operation principle, hardware block diagrams and software flow charts.
The paper then shows hardware and software block diagrams of the automatic fluid filling system with related merits and requirements which are the basis for the practical design.
To specify your system functionality, you simply assemble block diagrams - a natural design notation for scientists and engineers.
Principle of measurement, design of the hardware and software system are introduced and relative block diagrams are given.
This paper gives a brief introduction to the design, block diagrams, operation principles and making of XTZ-B automatically monitoring device for ring-receiving system.
现对XTZ - B型收铃系统自动监视装置的设计思路、方框组成、工作原理、实现方法进行扼要介绍。
This paper gives a brief introduction to the design, block diagrams, operation principles and making of XTZ-B automatically monitoring device for ring-receiving system.
现对XTZ - B型收铃系统自动监视装置的设计思路、方框组成、工作原理、实现方法进行扼要介绍。