Based on the gear reducer, shaft, bearings, and checking, the article gives the design and calculation.
Motor movements of the options and checking, rope choice and calculation of the design is key.
The structure features of the air spring on PW200K bogies are described. The design improvement and strength checking calculation are made for the part.
介绍了PW 200k型转向架空气弹簧复合座的结构特点,对该部件进行了改进设计和强度校核计算。
The main contents include the process calculation, tower's structural design, strength design and checking the stability of tower and so on.
Design work on the parts and specifications will press for the necessary checking calculation.
Combined with the calculation theory of light weigh abutment and many years' design experience, checking calculation for the stability of light weight abutment is done in the paper.
In order to select a suitable mold base for given articles, a calculation of checking method is used. And a principle of the similitude design is used to devise an off-standard mold base.
Regular Bridges' ductile earthquake-resistance design and checking calculation could be made by simplified analytic means of elastic-plastic earthquake response.
Complex Bridges' ductile earthquake-resistance design and checking calculation could be made by the means of elastic-plastic temporal analysis.
In the design the process rightness some importance structure such as: Drive equip, prop up round etc. making serious checking, and to make center-system carry on careful calculation decoration.
The checking calculation of coupled cars in negotiation of the curve with small radius is an absolutely necessary design calculation for newly manufactured cars.
连挂车辆通过小半径弯道曲线的校核计算是新造车辆必不可少的设计计算 ,也是确定不同形式车辆能否实现兼容连挂的必做计算。
To calculate the number of teeth in the design, profile analysis, efficiency calculation and checking the strength, structural design, drawing reducer assembly drawings and part drawings.
A clear idea of the design to determine the shape of the die-casting process as well as various specific parts of a detailed calculation and checking.
According to the design theory of the structure reliability, this paper presents the probability statistical method of the checking calculation of slope stability.
The computation indicated that each checking calculation meets the requirement, the design proposal is reasonable.
On this basis, checking to the tubing axial deformation, load and stress calculation method of the former, provide the basis for pipe strings design and a reasonable choice of production parameters.
On this basis, checking to the tubing axial deformation, load and stress calculation method of the former, provide the basis for pipe strings design and a reasonable choice of production parameters.